
Sarah is a 35-year-old painter from New York City who specializes in abstract art. Her unique style combines bright colors, bold shapes, and intricate textures to create dynamic and eye-catching pieces. Sarah has been painting for over a decade and has exhibited her work in galleries and shows across the country.


-characterized by their use of vibrant colors and bold, geometric shapes. She often uses a palette knife to apply thick layers of paint, creating a rich, textured surface that draws the viewer in.


-paintings are inspired by her love of the ocean and the natural world. She's drawn to the colors and movement of the sea, and often incorporates these elements into her work. She's also inspired by the beauty of the changing seasons, and the way light interacts with different landscapes.


-exhibited her work in galleries and shows across the country, including the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Commissioned Work

-available for commissioned work, and has created custom pieces for both private clients and businesses. If you're interested in commissioning a piece, please get in touch through her website.

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